====== Webinar 2020-06-27 ====== https://aw.gsais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/activities/leadership-2020-06/index.html Time: 14:00-17:00 (Open at 13:30) Zoom link (ID 956 2669 7561/Password 914179): https://kyoto-u-edu.zoom.us/j/95626697561?pwd=bGhXdUNrcHpMWkw3bDhoWjIydzI5dz09 done * Upload to Events of GSAIS [[https://www.gsais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/blog/2020/05/12/20200602|Japanese only]] * Upload to News of Kyoto Uni. [[http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/education-campus/events_news/department/seizongaku/events/2020/200627_1013.html|Japanese]], [[https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/education-campus/events_news/department/seizongaku/events/2020/200627_1013.html|English]] * 6/21 Pre-registration ended and mailing lists created * 6/21 invitation to Prof. Kanzaki * 6/22 (Cong) send materials to participants and ask for their preferred languages for session 2 * 6/22 (Cong) confirm if recording in Sessions 1 & 3 is fine to Mr. Bodwell, Mr. Kawasaki, and Ms. Li. * 6/22 (Liang) confirm if recording in Session 1 is fine to Prof. Kanzaki. * 6/25 (Cong) send group information to participants todo * 6/25 Hashimoto-san, Cong, Liang: final meeting before the event June 27 * 13:30 (Hashimoto-san) Open the Zoom Meeting, co-hosts Liang and Cong. * 13:59 (Hashimoto-san) Start recording, (Liang) introduction, then -> Cong * 14:00 (Prof. Kanzaki) Leadership education in Kyoto University * 14:05 (Mr. BODWELL) Working in Development and Employment in the United Nations * 14:30 Q&A <- chat only? Cong, please pick up the questions and inform Mr. Bodwell. * 14:40 Photo (screenshot. May be two. By liang). (Hashimoto-san) stop recording * 14:45 Group arrangement -> [[webinar200627-group]] * 14:50 Session 2 <- detail shall be updated by Cong * 16:20 break * 16:30 Session 3 Panel discussion (Liang). (Hashimoto-san) start recording * 16:50 Q&A <- chat only? Liang will pick up the questions and inform panelists. * 17:00 Finish After * Write a report (Cong)