Last-updated: April 2023.
This is just a reference. Please refer to the official instructions provided by Kyomu (Office of Student Affair).
Master's Thesis: A complete academic paper containing novel research findings (of a quality that can be submitted to peer-reviewed journals).
QE Paper: A progress report towards a doctoral thesis. As a 'draft of the doctoral dissertation', it not only requires a survey and summary of previous research, but also demands original thought and understanding of primary data. Additionally, the QE paper must include the following three descriptions:
The abstract should also refer to these three points.
If submitting both a master's thesis and a QE paper simultaneously, differentiate the abstracts of the two. However, the content of presentations at QE should include the aforementioned three points from the QE paper.
Before undergoing a review for either the master's or QE paper, it is mandatory to conduct a meeting with the two (or three) supervisors. Only after receiving their approval, along with the meeting record, can one apply for the review.
【修士論文と QE 論文の違い】 ■修士論文:新規な研究成果を含む完結した学術論文(査読誌に投稿できる程度の内 容) 。 ■QE 論文:博士論文に至る途中経過の報告。「博士学位請求論文草稿」であることか ら、先行研究の調査と要約だけでなくオリジナルな思索や一次データの把握などが求 められる。また、QE 論文には以下123の記述が求められる。 1 博士論文にむけての展望(博士論文の全体像を示す) 2 武者修行や PBR との関係 3 総合生存学の研究に求められる社会課題解決との関係 アブストラクトにも123への言及が必要 ◎修士論文と QE 論文を同時に提出する場合、差別化のために両者のアブストラクト を異なるものとすること。ただし、論文発表会での報告は上記123を含む QE 論文 の内容とする。 ◎修士または QE 論文審査を受ける前に、必ず三(四)者面談を実施し、主・副指導 教員の許可を受けた上で、面談記録とともに審査を申請すること。