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Last-updated: 2025/02/22 liangz
Docker tutorial
Step 1: Understand docker
- Read What is docker and understand (docker) image, container, daemon, client, hub (registry), pull, push.
- Install docker (Linux as example. Information on other OSes are welcome too.)
- $ sudo apt install
- Add your username to the “docker” group (or by editing /etc/group directly).
- $ sudo usermod -aG docker your_username
- Logout & login to make the change of group into effect, or simply reboot your Linux.
- Run a ubuntu container (docker client will automatically pull a ubuntu image and create a local container.). If you get a console with command prompt “root@xxxxxxxxxxxx:/,” it worked.
- $ docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
- Exit the container by exit (notice the prompt changed to “#”, showing you are the root)
- # exit
public/docker.1740312524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/23 21:08 by liang