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Group Meetings in 2023

Be on time.

Paper and Presentation files

Use “Media Manager” to upload your files to your namespace (Media Manager → user → yourname)

  • Prepare a paper (pdf and/or tex/word source) and a slide file (pdf or powerpoint) one day before your presentation and upload them to your namespace and put links in this page.
  • Remember: One research, one paper, one slide file during your stay here
  • Paper can be incomplete but shall be prepared carefully. If there are multiple files (e.g., data files), use a zip.
  • Presentation: If you modified the slides after uploading, re-upload it.
  • Filename: date-content.ext (e.g., 20210522-slides.pdf)


second semester (Oct to March)

The number of group meetings is reduced to twice a month and eight times a semester such that each student can have twice presentations. Joining some meetings of other groups is encouraged to improve member's ability in presenting in public and asking questions under a multidisciplinary environment.

  • Place: 121/122 実習室 except for Jan 19th
  • Time: 1:30pm - 3pm, Friday (see the next table for the dates)
Date Presenter(s) Participants Slide file(s) Source file(s) remark
Oct 13 Wenruo, Zhenyu Wenruo, Li-Yang, Zhenyu, Rojan
Oct 27 Mizuguchi, Li-Yang Rimsa, Rojan
Nov 10 Botong Gao, Rojan (including Tencon report) Wenruo, Li-Yang, Rimsa, Mizuguchi, Yining
Nov 17 Rimsa (including R10 HTC report), Haiyan Li-Yang, Wenruo, Rojan
*Nov 29 (9am-10:30am, Wed, Room 201) Wenruo & Wenlong GSAIS Research Meeting. TBD
Dec 8 Li-Yang Haiyan, Wenruo, Rimsa, Rojan, Zhenyu
Dec 22 Rimsa, Wenruo (including CNA report)
Jan 5 Zhenyu, Rojan
Jan 19 at Tachibana Kaikan Mizuguchi, Haiyan No room @ Higashiichijo-Kan

first semester

  • Place: Room 121/122 except for April 28 which will be Room 025.
  • Time: 1:30 pm-4:30 pm, Friday (please come 5 minutes before the start time)
  • April 14, 21, 28
  • May 12, 19, 26
  • June 9, 16, 23
  • July 7, 14, 21
Date Presenter(s) Participants Slide file(s) Source file(s) remark
April 14 Zuo ZhenyuWenruo, Wenlong, Mizuguchi, Rojan, Rimsalong-range-information.pdf
April 21 Rimsa, MizuguchiZuo Zhenyu, Wenruo, Wenlong, Mizuguchi, Rojan, Xu Yiningpopulation_size_and_urban_characteristics.pdf
April 28 Rojan, Li Wenlongikuta naoya, Mizuguchi, Wenruo, Rimsa, Zuo Zhenyu
May 12 Lv WenruoWenlong, Rimsa, Rojan, Mizuguchi
May 19 Li Yanghepu, Wang HongfangWenruo, Wenlong, Rimsa, Rojan
May 26 Mizuguchi, Li WenlongWenruo, Rojanscale_of_urban_growth_and_agglomeration_en.pdf
June 9 Rojan, RimsaLi Yangheph, Zuo Zhenyu, Mizuguchi, Wenruo, Christopher
June 16 Lv Wenruo, Li YanghepuRojan, Rimsa, Zuo Zhenyu, Mizuguchi, Christopher
June 23 Mizuguchi, Zuo ZhenyuLv Wenruo, Li Yanghepu, Rojan, Rimsa, Li Wenlong, Christopher
July 7 Li Wenlong, Rimsa
July 14 Lv Wenruo, RojanChristopher, Hu, Zhenyu, Li Wenlong, Rimsa, Li Yanghepu, Mizuguchi
July 21 24 Li Yanghepu, Christopher, Hu
public/meeting2023.1702013608.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/08 14:33 by liang