2022/05/26 無常の常

2022/05/26 無常の常

驚き,悲しみ,嫌悪,怒り,恐れ,時々経験していませんか.なぜ自分にはそんなネガティブな感情があるか,悩んだことがありませんか.実はこれらの感情は,人間の基本感情なのです.人間の基本感情は,このほか,喜び,信頼,期待がありますが,ネガティブ感情のほうが強くて多いのです (Wikipedia,R. Plutchikのまとめ).このため,人間は生まれつきで分裂しやすく,悩みや恨み,憎しみ,喧嘩,紛争,戦争が一向になくならないのも自然なことです(例えば本日のニュース)。



Surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and fear, do you often experience them? Have you ever worried about why you have so much negative emotions? In fact, these are five of eight fundamental emotions of human. Others are joy, trust, and anticipation. It is interesting to see that negative emotions are more and stronger than positive ones (Wikipedia,R. Plutchik's wheel. This is the reason why we were born to divide ourselves easily, and because of that, it is natural that worry, hate, quarrel, conflict, and war have never disappeared (e.g., today's news).

Nevertheless, the feature of life is, as the gene shows, to the contrary of nature, solidarity and order (E. Schrodinger). As a matter of fact, we human have, with the negative emotions, used our positive emotions and rationality to build greater orders to enlarge the solid human society bigger and bigger. In other words, while we have the uncertainty from our physical existence, we continue to persuade certainty as life activity.

This certainty of uncertainty shall be able to explain all human activities and social phenomenon. Therefore it is useful in solving social problems. Science, especially recent progress of Artificial Intelligence has shown some cases to quantify it with information (entropy). Believing the possibility of quantifying more complex systems such as human activity and social phenomenon with information (entropy), I created the Future Wisdom Institute. Now, working with students and focusing on the development of Informatics, I am studying various disorders and orders of the world in order to discover more certainties of uncertainties by wisdom actions based on learning and random selecting.

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