The First Workshop on Graph Learning and Applications

Last-updated: 2024/07/20 (see WGLA2024_flyer.pdf for a flyer)

Note: The event is invitation based.

The First Workshop on Graph Learning and Applications

Learning is one of the fundamental activities of lives. Recent development of advanced tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is promising to help human society learn "good" information from high volume of data that may be difficult or impossible for a human to find. Focusing on graphs, this workshop studies how to learn graphs (in the broad aspect) and apply those algorithms to various tasks. It will motivate further collaboration toward better understanding on graph learning and its applications.

Time/Date: 9:30am-6pm, Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

Place: Lecture Room 2, 2F, Research Bldg. No. 8, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University (access -> 59)

Language: English and Japanese (both are OK)


  • Professor, Dr. Tatsuya Akutsu (Keynote speaker, Kyoto University) and Ms. Mamoona Ghafoor (speaker)
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Liang Zhao (Organizer, Kyoto University) and Mr. Yanghepu Li (speaker) and lab members
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Kazuya Haraguchi (Kyoto University) and lab members (3 talks)
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Weiwei Du (Kyoto Institute of Technology) and lab members (2 talks)
  • Assistant Professor, Dr. Naveed Ahmed Azam (Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan) and lab members (1 talk)
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Liyou Han (Kyoto University)
  • Senior Lecturer, Dr. Erica Uehara (Kyoto University)


We would like to invite every speaker except for the keynote speaker to submit an abstract so that we could exchange ideas better. This abstract will be published on KURENAI, the repository provided by Kyoto University. Therefore, an abstract of one or more published papers is preferred but unpublished content is also welcome. However, please be careful to avoid any copyright issue (we will not check it). For unpublished contents, please be careful not to show the detail to protect your original idea and submit it to peer-reviewed conference or journal. The rough guideline for the abstract is as follows.

  • Length: one or two A4 pages (at most two) with double columns, including the references
  • Font for the content: Times New Roman, 11pt
  • Template: none
  • Submission deadline: July 24, 2024
  • Submission: Send your PDF file to Dr. Azam (Email: azam at

Program (tentative)

Time (Q&A included) Speaker(s) Title/Remark Session Chair
9:30-9:45 Registration
9:45-10:00 Liang Zhao Opening remark Liang Zhao
10:00-11:30 Prof. Tatsuya Akutsu Keynote talk Liang Zhao
11:30-12:00 Mamoona Ghafoor Talk 1 Liang Zhao
12:00-13:30 all Lunch break & lunch meeting (professors only)
13:30-14:00 ZHU, Jianshen Talk 2 Kazuya Haraguchi
14:00-14:30 SONG, Bowen Talk 3 Kazuya Haraguchi
14:30-15:00 SOHKAWA, Taiyo Talk 4 Kazuya Haraguchi
15:00-15:30 Marco Colangelo Talk 5 Weiwei Du
15:30-16:00 all Group photo and break
16:00-16:30 Koshin Narita Talk 6 Weiwei Du
16:30-17:00 Kyoko Usui Talk 7 Weiwei Du
17:00-17:30 Li, Yanghepu Talk 8, Zoom Naveed Ahmed Azam
17:30-18:00 Muhammad Arslan Talk 9, Zoom Naveed Ahmed Azam