What's New
- Jan 30th, 2025, the Second Joint Mini Workshop on Chemical Graph Learning
- Jan 2nd, 2025, content updated & Chinese pages removed to save time
- 2024年8月1日,非線形代表理論についての寄稿@京大広報誌775, p6010
- March 4, 2024 非線形代表理論の日本語資料
- Jan 8, 2024, Page on the Nonlinear Representative Theory has been created.
We approach research with a focus on information, aiming to shape the future of life and society.
Our work spans diverse methodologies, including network algorithms, optimization, image processing, machine learning, deep learning, and learning theories. A core focus is developing Information Wisdom Theory, which explores the nature of life, creativity and AI. It helps us study the potential, limitations, and ethical challenges of AI. Another core is developing Non‐proportional per capita Indicators, which explores the non‐proportional phenomenon in social and economics studies, and proposes standard per capita indicators to ensure equality. Other ongoing projects include innovative topics such as representative theory for networks, fair systems for parliament apportionment, graph learning to infer chemical compounds & social networks, leadership theory, machine learning for disease screening. Through these research, we aim to contribute not just to technology but also to understanding wisdom and creativity for a better future.
In addition to academic activities, we also provide inclusive and supportive practices to students including diversity understanding and leadership training.
- Interdisciplinary research: We focus on information related research but it actually related to all disciplines. See research.
- Diversity: We have students, visitors and collaborations from various fields and countries. See members.
- Academic freedom: Under the supervision students can do original research as far as it is related to informatics. See members.
- Leadership training: We have a lot of experience in leadership training (リーディング大学院思修館,京大ELP,Asia Future Leaders Scholarship Program etc).
- Integrated dormitory: is available for all students with minimum expense and maximum communication opportunity. See the explanation.
- Diverse career path: See members.
We recruit master and doctoral students with backgrounds of but not limited to AI, computer science, data science, network science, law studies, economics, and interested in the fusion of science, technology, and humanity. Before contact, please carefully read the information of the graduate school and this website. For Chinese students, you shall read extra information in 京大求学建议.
GSAIS does not accept Research Student unless you have the MEXT scholarship. An email asking for research student will be deleted with no notification.